An invitation into New Earth

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Sündmuse (The Event) hetk on kriitilise soojusvoo hetk, maatriksühiskond variseb kokku, tekib Kontakt, vana ühiskonna entroopilised elemendid eemaldatakse kiiresti ja me siseneme neljandasse faasi.

Neljandat faasi nimetatakse Ebastabiilse Võrgustiku Keemisfaasiks (Unstable Film Boiling). Taevamullid (Bubbles of Heaven) on planeedi pinnal ühinenud stabiilseks võrgustikuks (i.k film), mis moodustab uue ühiskonna selgroo, samas kui ühiskond ise tervikuna on ebastabiilne. Kuid edenevad, integreeruvad ja stabiliseeruvad Valgussaared on täiel määral kujunemas Aktiivse Kontaktiga.

Viiendat faasi nimetatakse Stabiilse Võrgustiku keemise faasiks.
Valgussaared planeedi pinnal muutuvad aktiivseteks konversiooni/inversiooni tsoonideks, mille kaudu toimub individuaalse ja rühma Ülestõusmisprotsess. Toimub esimene Ülestõusmislaine tuhandete inimestega. Mõned neist naasevad Ülestõusnud olenditena Maa pinnale ja valmistavad ette teist Ülestõusmise lainet sadade tuhandete inimestega. Mõned neist naasevad Maale ja valmistavad maapealset populatsiooni ette kolmandaks laineks.

Viienda faasi ajal integreerib pinnapopulatsioon täielikult uued arenenud tehnoloogiad ja on piisavalt tervenenud, et aktsepteerida Valgust tervikuna.

Kuuendat faasi nimetatakse Lõpliku Sähvatuse (Final Flash) faasiks. Faasi üleminek on lõppenud. Galaktika Keskpäike käivitab Päikese sündmuse ja planeedi polaarsuse nihke. Miljonid inimesed tõusevad kolmanda lainega ja ülejäänud inimkond evakueeritakse planeedi pinnalt Galaktilisse laevastikku, mis transpordib nad sobivale planeedile, millest saab inimkonna uus kodu.

Allikas: Cobra

Originaal tekst:

The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made , the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter thr fourth phase.

The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but progressing, integrating and stabilizing Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact.

The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made , the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter thr fourth phase.

The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but progressing, integrating and stabilizing Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact.

The fifth phase is called Stable Film Boiling phase. Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion/inversion zones through which individual and group Ascension process is taking place. First Ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place. Some of them return to the surface as Ascended beings and prepare the second Ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending. Some of those return to the surface and prepare the surface population for the third wave.

During the fifth, the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the Light as a whole.

The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet which will become the new home for humanity.

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