Compression Breakthrough
According to Cobra, the concept of “Compression Breakthrough” is central to the event known as “The Event.”
Compression Breakthrough refers to the moment when Light forces from above (from the Galactic Confederation) and Light forces from below (from the Resistance Movement, often associated with subterranean or inner Earth civilizations like Agartha) converge on the surface of the Earth. This convergence results in what is termed “The Event,” marking the beginning of a new era or a “Golden Age.”
+Mechanism: The process involves the Light forces increasing their presence and influence from both directions – from outer space and from within the Earth. This “compression” metaphorically and literally squeezes out or exposes all hidden or negative forces, leading to a transformation of the planet’s current state.
Steps Leading to Compression Breakthrough:
1. Preparation by Light Forces:
+From Above: The Galactic Confederation and other light forces work to dismantle negative structures in space around Earth, clear plasma anomaly, and prepare for a descent of light or energy towards the planet.
+From Below: The Resistance Movement and other subterranean entities like Agartha work upwards, preparing the planetary grid for the breakthrough by placing Cintamani stones, activating energy points, and clearing negative energies.
2. Activation of Energy Grids:
Tachyon Chambers and Cintamani Stones: These are used to amplify positive energies, creating a support field for the
Compression Breakthrough. This involves restoring and activating the planetary Light Grid Network.
3. Increase in Light Intensity:
As both forces converge, there’s an increase in light or positive energy, which is meant to expose hidden truths, heal, and transform.
4.The Event:
+Mass Arrests: This is one of the first visible signs of the Compression Breakthrough, where members of the Cabal are arrested, leading to a significant shift in power dynamics.
+Financial Reset: Introduction of a new financial system, possibly including debt forgiveness, the return of gold to humanity, and a new economic structure.
+Disclosure: Revelation of hidden technologies, extraterrestrial presence, and other suppressed information.
+Spiritual Awakening: A collective increase in consciousness, where the energies facilitate personal and global transformation towards unity and love.
+New Society: Establishment of a new societal structure, often referred to as the “New Atlantis,” which aims for a utopian society based on meritocracy, love, and unity.
+Healing and Restoration: Efforts to heal the planet, restore ecological balance, and address past harms.
6. Ongoing Evolution:
Continuous Lightwork: Even after the Event, the process of healing, learning, and evolving continues, with humanity co-creating its future in alignment with higher consciousness.
Key Points:
Synchronicity and Astrology: Certain astrological alignments or events might trigger or accelerate the process towards Compression Breakthrough.
Human Role: Lightworkers, Starseeds, and awakened individuals play a crucial role in co-creating this future, through meditation, raising consciousness, and spreading light.//