An invitation into New Earth


The Event I Sündmus

[dropcaps type=’normal’ font_size=’65’ color=’#ed145b’ background_color=” border_color=”]Y[/dropcaps]es, of course. COBRA:  The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough.  The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet.  I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system.

There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface.  They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth.  When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event.

The Event is actually many things at the same moment.  It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure.  This is part of it.  The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal.  The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time.  And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy.

And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process.  That’s the short overview of what the Event is.  And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun.  The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening.  And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.

Aliquam pellentesque accumsan lacus eget rhoncus. Aliquam sodales lacinia erat, id convallis lacus. Donec libero tellus, convallis vel facilisis ac, pulvinar nec ante. Sed ornare mi eget.

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Vivamus lacinia nibh dui, at lacinia ex interdum ut. Curabitur at aliquam libero. Proin commodo sed nisl ac consectetur. Vestibulum ac turpis in orci volutpat consequat. Mauris non ullamcorper dolor, non vehicula nibh. Sed malesuada justo quis risus vulputate porttitor. Duis ut imperdiet eros, vitae condimentum nis.

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Vivamus lacinia nibh dui, at lacinia ex interdum ut. Curabitur at aliquam libero. Proin commodo sed nisl ac consectetur. Vestibulum ac turpis in orci volutpat consequat. Mauris non ullamcorper dolor, non vehicula nibh. Sed malesuada justo quis risus vulputate porttitor. Duis ut imperdiet eros, vitae condimentum nis.

Alora ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce malesuada quam diam, quis viverra arcu bibendum nec. Curabitur dictum maximus tincidunt. Pellentesque ultricies tempor felis, vel eleifend neque rutrum nec. Sed placerat maximus turpis eu hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec quam lacus, aliquet sed urna sit amet ultrices posuere cubilia.

Nunc gravida ipsum at eros elementum, eu venenatis risus eleifend. Phasellus a dictum ipsum. Cras in vehicula purus, tincidunt rhoncus orci. Ut eget sodales orci. Curabitur sed porta odio. Pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt eleifend. Maecenas mattis vestibulum felis id tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultric.

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